Iggy pop naked
Iggy pop naked

When we were hanging out he was doing real well in the business, and I wasn’t exactly ripping up the entertainment world. O’BRIEN: Was the fool the idea of your album “The Idiot”? So that was really foolish and caused me all this hassle, but I’m really glad I did things like that The first thing I said was “I want to go to the Dairy Queen and eat lots of ice cream.” It was like the Little Rascals: “I’m never going to do this again!” After twelve hours they let me out, and my dad, who was teaching high school at the time, had to drive there to the state prison, pay my bail and take me home.

iggy pop naked

I was on this macrobiotic diet at the time, which was making me do really crazy things. And I remember after they processed me the guard took me up to the tank where I was going to spend the night, and even though it was just a misdemeanor, they tried to scare me, saying “We’re going to figure out a way to keep you here.” And then I heard them sing this song: “Old King Cole was a merry old soul with a buckskin belly and a rubber asshole.” I got pretty scared. I was wearing these imitation-leather hip huggers that just barely covered my crotch, and I had this little permanent. The cops should have put me in a local holding tank, but instead they put me in Jackson State Prison overnight. And then as I got back to the stage I saw these cops in the wings, and one of my roadies said, “They’re going to bust you,” so I yelled to the audience, “They’re going to try to bust me! Don’t let ‘cm bust me!” So the audience was yelling, “We won’t let them bust you!” They tried to sneak me out in the trunk of one of their cars, but I got caught. The crowd had been resisting is up to this point, but then they got really into it and loved it, any I started rolling all over the auditorium naked. I decided I had to do something to make them remember the band, so I went in the wings and stripped and came out with this towel around me and stripteased while the Stooges were cranking out this riff in E, not realizing that the gig was next door to the state police. The gig just wasn’t getting off the ground. I played a gig when I was twenty years old in a town called Romeo, Michigan. I know all the most foolish things I ever did, ones that really upset a lot of people and caused me all this grief at the time-those are all my favorite things. But, on the other hand, if you live through it, you look back on it and you’re glad you did it. You could say it’s really foolish to do what feels good at the time. Bringing a little entertainment value to situations.

iggy pop naked

Then there’s the happy fool-like musicians-the jester kind of fool. But to me a real fool is somebody who throws away his life on other people’s road maps. There are all these different meanings of “fool.” A lot of times, people I really hate-like people who think they’re on top of business world, for example-you’ll see them sneer at somebody and call them a fool, and the people they call fools are generally the people I really like. IGGY POP: Probably a guy without an evil thought in his head. GLENN O’BRIEN: What’s your idea of a fool? We spoke to him in L.A., where he was recording his as yet untitled album, scheduled for a fall release, and, when not working, fooling around. He’s a wild dancer, a true poet, a shouting shaman, a surprising crooner, and a master of theatrical brinkmanship. He was punk before punk, he was and is poetry in motion.

Iggy pop naked